Constant oil well monitoring by our Multiphase Well Monitor

Improve oil output – reduce costs – increase profitability

How is constant oil monitoring achieved?

Our meter is a clamp-on non-intrusive unit that is easy to install, requiring less time and skill than conventional assemblies.

The unit requires minimal skills to install and maintain. Its design allows it to be retro-fitted to existing wells. The units sturdy construction allows for a significant reduction in maintenance costs and supports remote monitoring applications via satellite. The unit can readily handle even the heaviest oils.

Well monitor in operation for offshore Petronas, Malaysia

Solid, robust Multiphase well monitor

Our meter is a non-intrusive unit that is easy to install, requiring less time and skill than conventional assemblies.

Our Meter in operation

The Multiphase Well Monitor samples and calculates the liquid, gas and water cut within the flow every 2 seconds. Sophisticated mathematical analysis and statistical signal processing yields accurate results, which can then be transmitted over a secure data link in real-time. The results of processing can be transmitted over a secure data link in real-time.

Typical Multiphase Well Monitor Projects

Petronas offshore, Malaysia.
Niger Delta Petroleum, Nigeria.
Resurch Partnership of America, developing an application for subsea.
ConocoPhillips offshore, Norway.
Petrobras, offshore, Brazil.
Pemex Mexico.

Crude oil well monitoring of ten oil wells simultaneity. The system was designed and installed by our above colleagues.

Crude oil multiphase verification device developed by our colleagues.

Client feedback

They have provided us with a meter which we marinized for subsea application. The subsea version of the well monitor was tested underwater for ROV operation compatibility, and was tested metrologically at an independent flow loop.

We believe the well monitor can address some unique multiphase flow measurement applications where other meters cannot operate.

Letton Hall Group, Houston